COVID-19: B.C. reveals how $242 million in federal funds will be used to boost school health and safety measures

By September 11, 2020Media, News

To address health and safety concerns and requirements, school districts and independent schools can use funds, based on local needs, including:

  • improving air systems in schools, such as heating, ventilation and air conditioning, portable air scrubbers, and increased utility costs;
  • increasing hand hygiene, including additional handwashing and hand sanitizing stations, installing touchless faucets, or additional supplies;
  • installing plexiglass and other barriers, providing outdoor learning spaces, and adapting classrooms and school buses to minimize physical contact;
  • purchasing additional cleaning supplies (sprayers, fogger machines, etc.) for frequent cleaning and disinfecting high-touch surfaces;
  • purchasing additional masks, face shields, or other PPE;
  • increasing staff and covering salary costs for additional hours for meeting health and safety guidelines in schools.