24’ Round Stage

Four left hand and four right hand decks around six 4’×8′ decks make a 24′ diameter circle.  Same construction as standard Steeldeck® platform using steel truss frame with high quality ¾” plywood tops.  Tops are insulated from frames to reduce noise and vibration.  Deck will accept 6 legs of 1 1/2″ Schedule 40 steel pipe. Legs are held in place by a hand knob. Decks are connected to each other by bolting through pre-drilled holes along straight edges. Can be used to round off stage corners.  The top surface has a black paint finish.

    Size(s) Carrying Weight Load Capacity
    Leg Posts
    24' segment 125 lbs 3069 lbs 6 24’ D Segment (left-hand)
    24’ D Segment (right-hand)
    4’x8’ Standard